Wellington Hospital Gift Shop
Hospital Gift shop - we sell flowers, magazines, snacks, hand-knitted items, toys, cards and much much more! You can also get your Snapper top-up, mobile phone top-up and sim-cards.
Free Delivery at Wellington Hospital and Te Wao Nui Child Health Service
Fill in the appropriate details where requested and one of our Hospital Volunteers will deliver your gift as soon as possible.
Phone Orders
If you have troubles ordering via website, you can make your purchase over the phone. Please contact The Gift Shop on 04 389 5610. Please note if we are busy with customers at the shop, there might be a delay in answering your call. Please leave your message on our voice mail and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Please take advantage of our website in this case.
Visit the shop
You'll find us just inside the main entrance of Wellington Hospital.
Problem with your order?
Please call the Gift Shop on (04) 389 5610 or email to hospitalshop@ccdhb.org.nz to discuss any queries on refunds, or exchanges.
More about us
Visit our main website if you would like to find out more about the foundation.